Xaverian - Best. Worst. Funniest. Best - the best thing that has happened to me this school year has been making and getting to be a part of the volleyball team. It has been an amazing month practicing with my new coach here at Xaverian and getting to know my teammate who will be by my side for at least the next 4 years. But like my coach always tells us the people standing next to us on the court (our teammates) will be the people we are sitting on the beach with and complaining about our kids to each other in 20 years. Worst - the worst thing that has happened to me was when I was in a class and my account wasn’t working to get onto something so I had my hand raised while trying to fix it but I guess the teacher didn’t see my hand so she came up to me and told me to stay back after class because she was giving me detention which I didn’t understand. But everything was fine because after class I stayed back and before she actuallly gave it to me I explained what was going on. S